  • To assist the students in getting placed for their summer and final placements.
  • To up skill and prepare students for attaining success at the selection rounds held by potential recruiters.

The procedure and rules for training and placing the students. Students who wish to avail of the placement assistance are expected to adhere to these rules and procedures.


The policy defines the role of the employees and students of SRBS in the placement department. The policy is applicable to all the students of MMS I & MMS II.

Departmental Policy
  • The TPO appointed by the Institute will be responsible for training the students for securing final placements. The TPO along with the departmental staff shall also be responsible for assisting students for securing placements.
  • The placement department shall select and form a committee comprising of the department personnel and the students. This shall be the placement committee.
  • The placement department will be responsible for designing and printing the placement brochure.
  • The placement committee will remain in constant touch with the SRBS alumni for facilitating placements through them.
  • The placement department will Generate leads of potential recruiters from the industry and provide it to the placement committee.
  • The TPO will be responsible for conducting training sessions for grooming the students and preparing them for their final placements.
  • The placement department will Identify industry requirements from the students and the corresponding training programs will be conducted to bridge the gap between the expectations and the current skill sets.
  • The placement department will arrange for guest speakers to address the students on current and motivational topics.
  • The placement committee of the department and the students will meet once a week. Discussions in the meetings will be recorded as minutes of the meeting. Each member will be allocated tasks and responsibilities. The completion of these tasks will be reviewed in each meeting. Deadlines will be set for each task.
  • The placement committee will visit at least 25 companies in one academic year. The travel cost shall be reimbursed by the Institute on presentation of the bill for the same.
  • All MMS II students who are seeking employment may register for on/off campus placements.
  • Students who do not wish to avail of the placement assistance should mention the same and give it in writing to the Director, SRBS.
  • Campus Placement is a facility provided only for the registered students of SRBS.
  • Only interested students who register for placements will be provided placement assistance.
  • No student will be provided placement assistance after expiry of the deadline of registration.
  • If a registered student is absent for any company recruitment process, he must submit his justification to the Training & Placement Officer.
  • Wearing the Institutional formal attire and college ID card during the placement/recruitment process is Mandatory.
  • Disciplinary action will be initiated against students involved in any in-disciplinary activities / unethical practices at any stage of on/off campus placement or recruitment.
Pre-Placement Talk
  • A Pre-Placement Talk (PPT) is conducted by a potential recruiter to explain the existing job profiles, expectations, service agreement etc. Students are expected to clarify their doubts regarding CTC, Job description, Work timings and other details during this talk.
  • Students are also expected to read up on the company profile of the recruiter before attending the PPT.
  • Students interested in a particular company or job profile must attend that company’s Pre-Placement Talk.
  • Students should be present at least 15 minutes before the scheduled time of PPT, aptitude test or group discussion. Late comers will not be allowed to partiipate in either of the activities.
  • Students should submit their resume as per the Institute’s resume template.
  • Students should mention their skill sets and interested area of work in the resume.
  • The hard copy of the resume should be on an A4 sized bond paper only.
  • It is mandatory for a registered student to appear for the selection process of that company unless rejected by the company. Any student who deliberately withdraws during the selection process will be debarred from any placement activity thenceforth.
  • Once a candidate is selected through campus placement, the Institute will not be held responsible if the company rescinds the offer for any reason whatsoever.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to check all the information shared by the recruiter or the Institute on the notice board or in their registered mail inbox.
  • Students selected for final placements will be allowed to join the company on 2nd January of their 4th semester. If the company insists on an earlier date, the Director and SRBS management will take the final call.
  • Placement related training will be provided to students by the TPO and Corporate Experts.
  • Students are expected to attend all the training programs.
  • If the attendance of MMS I students is less than 75% in either the internal or external training programs they will not be allowed to register for placement assistance in the subsequent year.
  • If at the end of the first month the attendance of MMS I students is less than 75% in either the internal or external training programs they will be levied a fine of Rs. 200/- per session. Students who continue to remain absent in the subsequent months will be deregistered and debarred from all placement assistance.
  • Students who indulge in any unruly/ mischievous/ uncooperative behavior/ activity during the training sessions will be marked absent for that session. They will be levied a fine by the Institute.
Important additional points Categorization of Companies

Categorization of companies in various categories (S1, S2, T1, and T2) is done by Placement Committee based on various criteria (package details, job profile, number of branches, number of students, past association) with Sheila Raheja School of Business Management & Research.

  • A student procuring a job in an S1 or S2 company will not be eligible to sign any new process. All other companies in which he has already applied will be informed of his placement.
  • A student procuring a job in a T1 company will stand a chance to sign 2 more S1 Job Application Form. Failing to secure a job in both the companies will make him/her ineligible to sign any more Job application Forms in future.
  • A student procuring a job in a T2 company will stand a chance to sign 5 more Job Application Forms (S1, S2 or T1). Failing to secure a job in all the 5 companies will make him/her ineligible to sign any more Job Application Forms in future.
  • Any student who gets 2 jobs from Campus Placements will not be eligible to sit for any more jobs irrespective of the categories of jobs.
Off Campus Applications
  • Students who register with the Placement-Cell are strictly forbidden to apply for Off-campus recruitment till 31st May, 2022, except as defined in (2).
  • Any student who wishes to apply to a certain company before 31st May, 2022 shall contact the Placement representative of his department, who will make sure that the Company is invited officially for campus recruitments. Despite this, if for some reason, the company is unable to come for recruitment, off-campus application to that company may be permitted on the discretion of the Placement Cell.
  • Any student, who procures an Off-campus job (as stated in (2)) is required to report the same to the Placement office within one working day. He/she shall be permitted to sign Job Application Form for other companies, as per the placement policy.
  • Any student found to have applied or secured a job through off campus application without the prior consent of the Placement Cell will be debarred from taking part in any further placement process. Further the company to which he/she has applied/secured job with would also be informed of the policy violation by the student.
Pre Placement offers
  • All pre placement offers extended to any student have to be routed through the placement cell.
  • Any student, who receives a pre-placement offer, is required to report the same to the placement office within seven working days. In case the company that has offered the PPO, does not visit the campus for recruitments, he/she shall be permitted to sign Job Application Form for other companies, as per the placement policy.
  • Any student who has already received a PPO must inform the Placement Office of the same as soon as possible.
  • All companies which take students for Summer Internships will be asked in advance about any Pre Placement Offers they have extended. The student will be given a choice to accept or reject the offer till 7 days before the start of the placement season. In cases the student accepts it; the PPO would be treated equivalent to securing a job through the Placement Cell. If the student does not accept the offer, the company would be notified (before the first day of placements) of the same. Further the student would be allowed to sign-in JAFs and apply for companies in the regular fashion.
  • Any breach of these rules shall lead to the student getting debarred from the placement process. Any student found to have secured a pre placement offer and not informed the placement cell of the same will be debarred from the placement process and the company will be notified of the same.