“A single drop of blood can make a huge difference”

Title: – Blood Donation Camp 2023
Date: – 28thAugust 2023
Time: – 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.
Location: – Auditorium
Number of participants: – 82 Students

The Sheila Raheja Foundation organized an initiative of Blood Donation Camp involving all three Institutes, L. S. Raheja School of Architecture (LSR), Sheila Raheja Institute of Hotel Management (SRIHM), and Sheila Raheja School of Business Management and Research (SRBS). Before the event, interested students and staff members were required to register and meet specific criteria, including a minimum weight of 45 kg and a healthy hemoglobin level, as well as refraining from taking medication during the donation process. Doctors from Tata Hospital checked the fitness of registered students and staff members before allowing them to donate blood or platelets. The guidelines provided to students and staff members were intended to benefit both patients’ and donors’ well-being.
A total of 82 SRBS students registered, and after donating blood, they were provided with snacks such as Milk and Glucose biscuits to restore their energy. The event was conducted safely and concluded at 4:00 PM.

Dr.Vaishali Singh
Faculty In Charge

Dr.Harish Kumar S.Purohit