The Sheila Gopal Raheja Foundation and The Bombay Suburban Art and Craft Education Society presented a Masterclass titled “Madness” on 21st March, 2023. The speaker – Dr. Ashesh Bhumkar is an internationally renowned, acclaimed and accomplished ENT Doctor and Surgeon (Otorhinolaryngologist). He is the only Indian surgeon specialized in reconstructive surgery of patients with Microtia – Atresia a rare genetic condition. In this noble profession, he has healed and transformed lives of thousands of patients Worldwide. Dr. Bhumkar also took the trouble of explaining to the students what he does professionally: ear grafting of deformed ears in children and adults, using a C shaped cartilage from the rib cage and more.

The concept of the Masterclass was ‘Madness’, stating that you can be madly passionate or in love with anything the way he is when it comes to his passion to help people “hear” again. The beauty of it was not only creating the ear but also stimulating it to perform the functions of a normal ear. Besides this, he is a motivational speaker, that guides students and helps them get insightful knowledge on their relationships and qualities that would help them grow as people and work on their personality traits.

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