Sheila Raheja School of Business Management and Research (SRBS) is endowed with curious, well-learned and qualified faculty members. The Institute’s commitment to excellence makes it believe in the tradition of research and encourages faculty members to pursue innovative research and doctoral degrees to enhance their research competence.

SRBS, understanding the research aspirations of the teachers and students as a whole, and to institutionalise the research culture among its faculty members and students, established a Ph.D. Research Centre affiliated to University of Mumbai on its campus.

The faculty members are encouraged and supported to conduct and attend FDPs, seminars, workshops, conferences, and Ph.D. coursework, and also to publish and present their research work.

The outcome of such encouragement provided by SRBS is manifested when its faculty members publish quality research papers in reputed journals, present research papers at national and international conferences, publish books and file patents.

Below is a select list of the research papers published or presented, books published and patents filed by our faculty members:


Sr.Name of the FacultyTitle of the paperNational / InternationalYear of publicationISSN/ e-ISSN/ ISBNName of the Journal
1Dr. Harish Kumar S. Purohit &
Dr. Girish B. Pawar
A Comparative Study on NPA position of Indian Banks with special reference to PSUInternational2023ISSN: 2269-7195Communication and Management Journal
2Ms. Roshal Chinnu VinuA Study on Investors’ Investing Behavior During Pandemic Situations With Special Reference to Pre COVID-19 Times and Post the COVID-19 TimesInternational2023ISSN: 2349-5162Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research
3Dr. T. RajasekarThe Nexus Between Environmental Pollution, Energy Use and Economic Growth of EAGLEs: A Panel Econometric AnalysisInternational2023ISSN: 2320-5199International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
4Dr. Rahul SanghaviRelative Strength Index (RSI) A Technical Analysis Tool Review ArticleInternational2023ISSN: 2349-6738
e-ISSN: 2349-6746
International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review (IJMSRR)
5Ms. Darshana MurkibhaviA Bibliometric Analysis of Social Media Marketing Using R BiblioshinyNational2023ISSN: 0970-9045Urban India
6Mr. Dinesh Sonkul &
Dr. Rajesh Chouksey
Impact of Third-Party Logistics on Reverse Logistics Activities with Special Reference to Organized RetailInternational2022ISSN: 1746-1278Manager – The British Journal of Administrative Management
7Dr. Sandeep KudtarkarDharavi Model: A Framework for Containing Covid- 19 Pandemic in Resource-Limited Democratic Settings Dharavi Model: A Framework for Containing Covid-19 Pandemic in Resource-Limited Democratic SettingsInternational2022LJP Copyright ID: 573333
ISSN: 2515-5784
Online ISSN: 2515-5792
London Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences
8Ms. Deepa Manoj NairQuality of Work Life:
A Conceptual Framework in Education Sector
International2022ISSN:1226-4741Korea Review of International Studies
9Ms. Deepa ManojEvaluating Technology Readiness Index with Purchase Intentions of Working Professionals in Mumbai, India for embedded sim (eSim) technologyInternational2022ISSN: 0976-5654Dimensions – International Journal of Management
ICFAI Business School (IBS) – Mumbai
10Dr. H. J. BhasinImpact of Media Type on Advertisement effectivenessNational2022ISSN: 2278-7801“Sansmaran”
Management Research Journal
11Mr. Sandeep KudtarkarPARAKH: A Platform for Self Assessment of Knowledge and Skills of Indian Students to Ensure Global CompetitivenessNational2022Knowledge Pack – 60th National Cost Convention 2022
Published by The Institute of Cost Accountants of India
12Mr. Vikas PandeThe Role of Demographic Factors on Purchase of Medicines from Online Pharmacy: A StudyInternational2022ISSN: 2581-9925International Journal of Education, Modern Management, Applied Science & Social Science (IJEMMASSS)
13Mr. Sandeep KudtarkarTelecom – Backbone of India’s Digital Economy: Challenges, Opportunities and Future TrendsNational2021ISSN: 0972-3528The Management Accountant – Journal of The Institute of Cost Accountants of India
14Mr. Sandeep KudtarkarImpact of Artificial Intelligence on Economics, Finance and AccountingNational 2021The Chartered Accountant – Journal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
15Ms. Ritu BhattacharyaAn Exploratory Study on Roadmap for the Supply Chain Management in Post COVID-19 EraNational2021ISSN: 0022-3301The Journal of Oriental Research Madras
16Mr. Rahul Bhupendra SanghaviPredicting the Change in Long Term Trend of the Stock Price by Using Alligator Indicator and Trend Line to Generate the Trading ProfitNational2021ISSN: 2455-0515
e-ISSN: 2394-8450
Educreator Research Journal
17Mr. Rahul Bhupendra SanghaviAnalysis of High Market Volume which helps to Establish Accumulation and Distribution Area of the Stock Price and to Allow Trading Profit by Using The Chart PatternInternational2021ISSN: 2394-7780International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research
18Ms. Jyoti DixitInvestor Protection: Effects of Takeover ConvergenceInternational2021ISSN: 1934-8835International Journal of Organizational Analysis
19Mr. Sandeep KudtarkarHow Indian SMEs Can Leverage AI Revolution for Its GrowthNational2021Hindustan Chamber Review –
The Monthly Journal of Hindustan Chamber of Commerce
20Dr. Rajesh Chouksey &
Ms. Ritu Chakraborty
Evaluation of Consumer Using the Technology Acceptance Model for Grocery Shopping in IndiaInternational2019ISSN: 0974-2956SIES Journal of Management
21Dr. Divya JainInclusion of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities in the Academic Fraternity: A Critical AnalysisInternational2018ISSN: 2249-3352
e-ISSN: 2278-0505
International Journal of Basic and Applied Research
22Dr. Divya JainThe Influence of Demographic Factors on the Satisfaction Level of Hospitality Employees with Special Reference to Age, Marital Status and Gender DiversityInternational2018ISSN: 0972-687XThe IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior : IJOB
23Ms. Mukta Naik
(Department: Library)
Mobile and SMS base Library Services

National2017ISSN: 2454-1877Shodh-Chetana
– Special Issue on Library & Information Science
24Mr. Rahul Bhupendra SanghaviAnalysis on Nifty50 NSE Index by Using Price Channel LineInternational2017ISSN: 2348-0653
e-ISSN: 2347-856X
 International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review (IJBARR)
25Ms. Ritu ChakrabortyRole of Technology on Power Distribution in Rural IndiaInternational2017ISSN: 2455-7137International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA)
26Mr. Rahul Bhupendra SanghaviPredicting the Stock Price by Using AB=CD Legs With Help of Fibonacci RatiosInternational2016ISSN: 2348-0653
e-ISSN: 2347-856X
International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review
27Mr. Vivek SharmaStartUp India – New Opportunities for the EntrepreneurInternational2016ISSN: 2394-1537International Journal of Science, Technology and Management
28Mr. Vivek SharmaHigher Education Reforms in India – Poised for a New TrajectoryInternational2016ISSN: 2394-1537International Journal of Science, Technology and Management
29Mr. Rahul Bhupendra SanghaviPredicting the New Trend of the Stock Price by using Technical Analysis Tools like Trend Line and Multiple Exponential Moving AveragesNational2016ISSN: 2231-5063Golden Research Thoughts
30Ms. Ritu ChakrabortyA Study of Interface Between Operation Research and StatisticsNational2016ISSN: 2278-8794Episteme: An Online Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary & Multi-cultural Journal
Bharat College of Arts and Commerce, Badlapur, MMR, India
31Ms. Jyoti DixitTouching the Untouched: Micro Finance Institutions and Self Help Groups in Thane – A StudyInternational2016ISSN: 2454-6739Podar Prabodhan
32Ms. Jyoti Dixit Micro-Money-Manifold through Financial InclusionNational2015ISSN: 0976-2507Innovation Management
33Mr. Rahul Bhupendra SanghaviPredicting Stock Prices using Technical Analysis Tool Like Trend Line, Simple Moving Averages and Fibonacci Retracement for Short Term Trading Profit.International2015ISSN: 2348-0653
e-ISSN: 2347-856X
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review (IJBARR)
34Mr. Rahul Bhupendra SanghaviTrend Analysis of the Stock Price by Using Trend Line and Count Back LineInternational2015ISSN: 2348-0653
e-ISSN: 2347-856X
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review (IJBARR)
35Mr. Rahul Bhupendra SanghaviAnalyzing High Trading Volume Create Accumulation and Distribution Zone of the Stock Price to make Trading Profit.International2015ISSN: 2349-6738
e-ISSN: 2349-6746
International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review (IJMSRR)
36Ms. Jyoti DixitA Study of Basel III Norms with respect to Indian Banking SectorNational2015ISBN(13): 978-93-85880-11-7
ISBN(10): 93-85880-11-X
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual National Multi-Disciplinary Conference, V-CMT 2015
37Ms. Jyoti DixitRole of CSR in Value Creation of Company: Hitting the JackpotInternational2015ISSN: 2278-8794 Episteme: An Online Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary & Multi-cultural Journal
Bharat College of Arts and Commerce, Badlapur, MMR, India
38Mr. Vivek SharmaFDI in Higher Education in India-The Road AheadNational2015ISSN: 2395-5147 IIBM’S Journal Of Management Research
39Mr. Vivek SharmaIndia in 2015: A Strategic Shift in Economic GrowthNational2015ISSN: 2320-1932
e-ISSN: 2348-3636
Journal of Innovative Research and Solutions (JIRAS)
40Ms. Priyanka AcharyaInterest Rate Futures: The Latest Indian RevolutionNational2015ISSN: 2320-7272JBIMS Spectrum
41Ms. Priyanka AcharyaQUALITY – A prime focus point for management education of the modern eraInternational2015ISSN: 2251-1547Research Journal of Commerce & Behavioural Science
42Mr. Vivek SharmaA Study of Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction Levels of Nationalized Banks in IndiaInternational2015ISSN: 2394-1537International Journal of Science, Technology and Management
43Mr. Vivek SharmaChanging Face of Indian Shopping Experience – Role of Youth and TechnologyInternational2015ISSN: 2394-1537International Journal of Science, Technology and Management
44Ms. Priyanka AcharyaA Glance at the Niche Market of Mezzanine FinanceInternational2015ISSN: 2251-1547Research Journal of Commerce & Behavioural Science
45Ms. Jyoti DixitPayment Banks – One Level Forward in Financial InclusionInternational2015ISSN: 2231-6124International Journal of Research
46Ms. Ritu BhattacharyaAnalysis of Perspective Growth of Real Estate Rates in Navi Mumbai – With special reference to Panvel CityNational2014ISSN: 0976-2507Contemporary Business Practices
47Mr. Vivek SharmaAn Attitudinal Study of Rural Customer Towards Credit SystemNational2014ISBN: 978-81-921818-1-3“Connaissance – 2014” – Excellence Through Innovation


Sr.Name of the FacultyPaper Presented / Session ChairedNational / InternationalYearName of the Conference
1Dr. Samadhan KhamkarSession Chair at GNVS Institute of ManagementNational2023National Conference on “Industry 5.0: Sustainability, Innovation and Challenges” (Organised by GNVS Institute of Management)
2Dr. Prasad SupekarPresented a paper titled “Role of Asset Management Company and Financial Stability with Reference to SBI Funds Management Pvt. Ltd.”National2023National Conference on “Industry 5.0: Sustainability, Innovation and Challenges” (Organised by GNVS Institute of Management)
3Mr. Pradeep SinghPresented a paper titled “Role of Asset Management Company and Financial Stability with Reference to SBI Funds Management Pvt. Ltd.”National2023National Conference on “Industry 5.0: Sustainability, Innovation and Challenges” (Organised by GNVS Institute of Management)
4Ms. Apeksha GajePresented a paper titled “Visualizing Sentiments: Facial Expression Recognition in the World of Kathak Dance Using Deep Learning”International20232nd International Conference on Advances in Data-driven Computing and Intelligent Syatems (ADCIS 2023) (Organised by BITS Pilani, K K Birla, Goa Campus, India; Co-organised by National Forensic Sciences University, Goa)
5Dr. T. RajasekarPresented a Paper titled “Ecological efficiency evaluation of energy, emissions and economy of OPEC countries: An application of Data Envelopment Analysis”National2023“Samaroh 2023”
Sri S. P. Sampathy’s Memorial National Conference – A Two Day National Conference on Business Management and Social Innovation
6Mr. Rahul Bhupendra SanghaviPresented a paper titled “Predicting the Change in Long Term Trend of the Stock Price by Using Alligator Indicator and Trend Line to Generate the Trading Profit”National2021“War and Peace with COVID: A Global Mantra”
(Orgnised by Excelssior Education Society’s
K. B. College of Arts and Commerce for Women, Thane)
7Mr. Rahul Bhupendra SanghaviPresented a paper titled “Analysis of High Market Volume which helps to Establish Accumulation and Distribution Zone of the Stock Price and to Allow Trading Profit by Using The Chart Pattern”International20214th International Multidisciplinary Conference (online) on “Emerging Trends in Business, Education and Digital Technology” (Organised by Seva Sadan College of Arts, Science and Commerce)
8Ms. Ritu ChakrabortyPresented a paper titled “Growth Potential of Inland Water Transport in India”International2018International Conference on “Commerce, Banking, Economics, Management, Law, Social Sciences and Environmental Concerns” (Organised by M B Harris of Arts & A. E. Kalsekar College of Commerce & Management)
9Mr. Yogesh InglePresented a paper titled “FDI: A Device to Transform India into A Global Design and Manufacturing Hub”International20171st International Conference on Business and Management Research (Organised by Sasmira’s Institute of Management Studies & Research)
10Mr. Yogesh InglePresented a paper titled “Awareness of Financial Inclusion: An Indicator of Social Development”International2017UGC Sponsored Multidisciplinary International Seminar on “Social Inequalities and Economic Development”
11Ms. Ritu ChakrabortyPresented a paper titled “Role of Technology on Water Resource Management in Rural India”National2017International Conference on “An Era of Transition: Socio-Economic and Legal Perspective in Global Context” (Organised by Kishinchand Chellaram Law College, B. L. Amlani College of Comm. & Eco. & M. R. Nathwani College of Arts)
12Ms. Ritu ChakrabortyPresented a paper titled “Role of Technology in Media: Leading the way to the society”National2017National Conference on “Media: Leading the way to the Society” (Organised by B. L. Amlani College of Commerce & Economics & M. R. Nathwani College of Arts)
13Mr. Rahul Bhupendra SanghaviPresented a paper titled “Predicting the New Trend of the Stock Price by using Technical Analysis Tools like Trend Line and Multiple Exponential Moving Averages”National2016Two-day UGC Sponsored Inter-Disciplinary National Conference on “Contemporary Issues in New Governance with a Perspective Vision – 2020” (Organised by Ghanshyamdas Saraf College of Arts & Commerce)
14Ms. Jyoti DixitPresented a paper titled “Micro-Money-Manifold through Financial Inclusion”National2015National Conference on “Innovation: A catalyst to business” (Organised by Allana Institute of Management Studies)
15Ms. Jyoti DixitPresented a paper titled “Study of Basel III Norms with respect to Indian Banking Sector”National20152nd Annual National Multi-Disciplinary Conference V-CMT 2015 on “Changing Paradigms in Commerce, Management & Technology” (Organised by Vidyalankar School of Information Technology)
16Ms. Ritu BhattacharyaPresented a paper titled “Analysis of Perspective Growth of Real Estate Rates in Navi Mumbai”National2015National Conference on “Innovation: A catalyst to business” (Organised by Allana Institute of Management Studies)
17Ms. Priyanka AcharyaPresented a paper titled “Preference for Governance and Sustainability – Self Driven or Law Driven”National2015UGC Sponsored National Level Seminar on “Investing in a Sustainable Future: Integrating Environmental, Social and Governance Factors”
18Ms. Priyanka AcharyaPresented a paper on “Frauds – An Irreversible Sting on Sustainability”International201510th International Research Conference “Pathh 2015” with theme “Creating Sustainable Business Models” (Organised by St. Francis Institute of Management & Research)
19Ms. Priyanka AcharyaPresented a paper on “Role of Business Correspondent in Financial Inclusion”International2015International Conference on “India Calling – A World of Opportunities (Initiate, Integrate, Innovate)
20Ms. Priyanka AcharyaPresented a paper on “Interest Rate Futures: The Latest Indian Revolution”International2015International Research Conference organised by Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies
21Mr. Rahul Bhupendra SanghaviPresented a paper titled “Analytical Study of Free Cash Flow of Investment Decision with Reference to Short Term Investment”International2014International Conference on ” International Year of Light – 2014 on Enlightning Imminents of the World” (Organised by Thakur College of Science and Commerce)
22Ms. Priyanka AcharyaPresented a paper on “Literacy in Money Management: A Path to Sustainable Growth”International2014International Online Conference on “Innovation in Management Studies & Research (IMSR) 2014”
Sr.Name of the FacultyTitle of the InventionPatent Application Filed in YearApplication NumberCountry
1Ms. Deepa NairIoT-basiertes Smart-Home-Modell zur Unterstützung älterer Menschen2022202022104738Germany
2Ms. Deepa NairIOT Based Smart Home Model For Assisting Elderly People2022202211037454India
3Ms. Deepa NairA Hybrid Model of Internet of Things (IOT) and Cloud Computing to manage Big Data in Smart Home2022202241043452India
4Ms. Darshana MurkibhaviSocial-Emotional Lonliness and Life Satisfaction2022202221045955India
5Dr. Harvind J. BhasinSocial-Emotional Lonliness and Life Satisfaction2022202221045955India

Books Published

Sr.Name of the FacultyTitle of the BookYear of publicationISBNName of the Publisher
1Dr. T. RajasekarStatistics for Business Decision Making2023978-93-93996-27-5Blue Duck Publications
2Ms. Ritu ChakrabortyMathematical and Statistical Techniques – I2016978-93-5224-240-5Tech-Max Publications
3Ms. Jyoti DixitBusiness Economics-I2016978-93-5224-239-9Tech-Max Publications
4Ms. Jyoti DixitAccountancy & Financial Management – I2016978-93-5224-241-2Tech-Max Publications
5Ms. Jyoti DixitAccountancy & Financial Management-II2016978-93-86174-11-6Tech-Max Publications
6Ms. Jyoti DixitMergers, Acquisition & Corporate Restructuring2013978-93-83130-04-7Thakur Publishers

Chapters Published

Sr.Name of the FacultyTitle of the Chapter
(and Title of the Book)
Year of publicationISBNName of the Publisher
1Dr. Prasad M SupekarA Study on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in
Banking Sector with Special Reference to SBI
(Application of Machine Learning and Internet of Things)
2023978-81-96185X-X-XEmpyreal Publishing House
2Dr. T. RajasekarFactors Influencing on Investment Decision Of Women in Equity Stock – A Stock Broker’s Perspective
(Book Chapter on Gender Equality)
2023NADepartment of Human Resource Management, Adayalampattu Phase II Campus,
Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute (Deemed to be University)
3Dr. Rahul SanghviEncore Arc: Unique Diffrentiatior in Asset Reconstruction Business
(Real Life Management Case Studies – Developed In Factual Conversation With Industry Leaders)
2022978-93-5545-037-1Namya Press

Course Material Published

Sr.Name of the FacultyTitle of the Course
(and Name of the Program)
Year of publicationName of the Publisher
1Mr. Krishnakant LasuneMarketing Management
(MMS Semester-II (CBCS))
2022Institute of Distance and Open Learning,
University of Mumbai
2Ms. Darshana MurkibhaviBusiness Research Methods
(MMS Semester-II (CBCS))
2022Institute of Distance and Open Learning,
University of Mumbai
3Mr. Krishnakant LasuneBusiness Research Methods
(MMS Semester-II (CBCS))
2022Institute of Distance and Open Learning,
University of Mumbai
The Best B-School Mumbai