In keeping with the tradition, Sheila Raheja School of Business Management & Research successfully hosted two days Intercollegiate Cultural and Sports fest “Svagam 2023” on 17th & 18th March, 2023. It was a rousing success and outstanding outcome. Svagam 2023 had various rays such as Fine art, Performing Arts and sports that were showcasing management culture. The event theme was “Around the world in 2 days”. With the mind blowing footfall, students from various colleges were participated in all these competitions. The event was honored by presence of esteem chief guest Hardik Patil- the Iron man of India, Mr. & Mrs. Shyam Wadhwani. After participating in different events the students became more passionate and confident. These activities also foster team spirit and sense of responsibility in students. Svagam 2023 organizing committee of students get the ability to overcome obstacles and resolve issue that arises in daily life.

Dr. Vaikhari Patil
Faculty-Head Svagam

Prof. Roger Dmello

Mr.Rohit Bhisane
President-Student Council
General Secretary- Svagam

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