As per the directives of the Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell (“MIC”) and in collaboration with AICTE, all higher Education Institutions have to systematically encourage and support the start-up ecosystem and inculcate the culture of innovation among students and faculties.
On the line with this, the Institution Innovation Council of Sheila Raheja School of Business Management and Research decided to associate with “Her Circle” Platform. “Her Circle”, founded by Mrs. Nita M Ambani, is an inclusive, collaborative, diverse, interactive, socially-conscious digital movement for the women of India.
Understanding a Doctors Perspective on Personal Branding and on entrepreneurs Journey and their uniqueness in maintaining Quality and Customer Satisfaction.
SRBS believes in promoting equal opportunities and platforms to female students and promotes entrepreneurship opportunities to make them job creators rather than job seekers.
The guest speaker of the event was Dr. Jaishree Sharad, a celebrity skin specialist, and Ms. Tanya Chaitanya, CEO of Her Circle.

Objectives of the event:

  1. Raise awareness and provide insights into starting an entrepreneurial venture.
  2. Make students understand how to create and coordinate resources to get optimal results.
  3. Develop challenge facing attitude through interaction with industry people.
  4. Help them understand the process of how to scan the environment and then develop business plan.
  5. To provide aspiring entrepreneurs and individuals interested in starting their own business with valuable insights.

Mrs.Roshal Vinu
Faculty In Charge

Dr.Harish Kumar S.Purohit
Director- SRBS & President-IIC

Website Admissions Panel 2024-25