“Banking industry is advancing with respect to payment products domain and process improvement,” said Pawan Kang, Assistant Vice President (senior Business IT Analyst) at CITI Bank – Toronto, Canada in his “Innovation in Marketing Conference” presentation to the Sheila Raheja School of Business Management & Research (SRBS) on June 11, 2022. He thinks strong growth will be driven by strategic planning and marketing analysis and the youth should put their expertise correspondingly. Understanding a brief about Data mining, profiling and economically managing client behaviour.

Marketing Innovations in Automotive Industry –

“Digital elements with marketing network aim for an immersive experience with customer’s journey and emotions pertaining about their purchasing pattern about Automotive industry,” said Sameer Nanjangud Chief Manager – Digital & CRM at ŠKODA AUTO India in his “Innovation in Marketing Conference” presentation to the Sheila Raheja School of Business Management & Research (SRBS) on June 11, 2022. Sameer believes creativity and critical thinking with a favourable experience are much-needed components for the advancement of the profession. Understanding a brief about Digital tools, media planning and aiming for user’s connection with specific content is beneficial for progressive leads.

Marketing Innovations in Entertainment Network Industry –

“Understanding consumers with regards to Brand communication platform for innovative content across genres is the pressing priority with the Entertainment industry,” said Chintan Mehta Director – Marketing & Communications at Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited in his “Innovation in Marketing Conference” presentation to the Sheila Raheja School of Business Management & Research (SRBS) on June 11, 2022. Chintan sees planning and building capabilities with the changing trends as a need to be learnt by marketers as well as strategic allocations of funds and handling ATL and BTL activities is essential.

Marketing Innovations in Hospitality Industry –

“To increase productivity marketers need to understand the art of Frugal Marketing said Shiv Bhasin – Marketing Manager, India at Olive Bar and Kitchen – Soda Bottle Opener Wala in his “Innovation in Marketing Conference” presentation to the Sheila Raheja School of Business Management & Research (SRBS) on June 11, 2022.
Shiv believes managing budget and creative inbound marketing tactics with social media platforms can help leaders to market their brand to a wide range of audiences through an effective channel for a better ROI. Moment marketing needs to be a part of innovative skills to keep your brand the talk of the town.

Rahul Gawde – SRBS Student

Pawan Kang, Assistant Vice President at Citi Bank, Canada, being the very first speaker set the perfect tone for the conference. He joined us on the 10 AM video call & was exhilarating confidence. Mr. Pawan didn’t break a sweat as he spoke for about an hour on the various innovations in marketing. Not only did he conduct himself with utmost professionalism but somehow even managed to add some quips & tricks in his presentation to keep the session a little light-hearted. He was extremely polite & answered all of the questions thoroughly. Since he was in Canada, he even went on to draw parallels between the two countries, India & Canada; which was quite knowledgeable for me personally. All in all, it was a delight to watch & I’m glad I got to witness it first-hand.

Sameer Nanjagud, the Chief Marketing Manager at Škoda Auto, India, grabbed everyone’s attention since the second he started. He had an application-based teaching method wherein he threw curveballs at us like real-time problems in the form of case studies. After helping us find a solution to those problems, he even used videos to help us understand each scenario from a marketeer’s perspective. It was a very challenging session that kept us all at the edge of our seats, waiting on what was to happen next. He surely enlightened us with an array of new concepts and just the conviction with which he cited every word, shows how experienced he is in this field. Being a finance student, I got much-needed marketing exposure from an expert in this domain which I doubt would be available elsewhere.

Chintan Mehta, the Director of Zee Entertainment, our third speaker for the day had quite an interesting take on things. He taught us a new ‘A-Z’; quite literally, of marketing. He even gave us pointers on how to present yourself as one of the finest marketers in order to capture the attention of an audience. With the ample experience of working with MTV on reality shows as well, he gave brand insights & spilled secrets that aren’t readily available for the public to know. This made the presentation quite unique & resourceful at the same time. He even shared a lot of personal experiences and sticky situations that he managed to escape using his marketing skills. In conclusion, his private escapades added an imperative personal touch to the whole conference and made it a memorable experience for me.

Shiv Bhasin, Marketing Manager at SodaBottleOpenerWala was probably hands down one of the most insightful presentations I’ve seen. He spoke on topics that are rather untouched like ATL & BTL and more importantly ‘Local Store Marketing’. He even brushed on the topic of moment marketing & keeping up with the trends; which is of utmost importance in today’s social world. He present a few upcoming ad campaigns they were going to run that weren’t public information yet. And lastly he gave tips on what topics to choose for witty humour to attract crowds & generate a word-of-mouth-marketing naturally. The accolades that he has received so far & to be at this marketing position Pan India so young is nothing short of inspiring. I just hope I can even be a minuscule of that or any other speakers for that matter by the time my year ends.

Dimple Malhotra – SRBS Student

The conference meeting was arranged on 11th June, 2022 on Innovation on marketing at SRBS. It’s was an wonderful experience and grateful that I got opportunity to speak in front of well known personalities ,our college Director

  • Dr. H.J. Bhasin sir , Faculty and  all students Mr. Chintan Mehta who is the Director (Marketing) of Zee entertainment.
  • Mr. Pawan Kang(International Keynote speaker) assistant vice president CITI Toronto, Canada.
  • Mr. Sameer Nanjangud Chief Manager(Marketing) Skoda auto India.
  • Mr. Shiv Bhasin Marketing manager SodaBottleOpenerWala.

All the speakers explained there work experience and also how to be self-motivated and hardworking and their words were very meaningful for each student. Thank you so much for motivating and showing the path to all the students.

Vishakha Vardhana – SRBS student

International Conference on Innovation and Marketing.

Our very first international conference of Marketing, got so much to know about trending marketing concepts and strategies. The speakers for the day – Mr. Pawan Kang, Mr. Chintan Mehta, Mr. Sameer Nanjangud and Mr. Shiv Bhasin presented so much insightful content that not only I got to learn about but enjoyed too. Our amazing director perfectly managed the whole conference along with professors. Many students participated in presentation in which, I also presented on Green Marketing with my partner. We received certificate and gift hamper by our director Sir. I really had a great day, Thank you SRBS.

Varsha Sharma –  SRBS Student

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